How to make Puff Puff

Puff puff is a popular Nigerian snack made from flour, yeast, sugar, and water. It is deep-fried and can be eaten plain or with a filling of your choice.

Puff puff is a delicious snack that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is perfect for parties, picnics, and other gatherings. You can even make it at home with just a few ingredients and a little bit of time.

In this article, we will show you how to make puff puffs step-by-step. We will also provide some tips on how to make it even more delicious. So, if you are ready to learn how to make puff puff, let’s get started!

What are the ingredients for making puff puff?

Ingredients for making puff puff

If you are making about 30 balls of Puff Puff you will need the following:

  • 2 cups (250g) of Plain Flour
  • 2 teaspoons of yeast 
  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • ½ cup granulated sugar 
  • 3 pinches of salt
  • Lukewarm water 
  • Vegetable Oil for frying

Steps on how to make the tastiest puff puff ever

How to make puff puff

If the directions are properly followed, you almost cannot make this wrong. To get the ideal result, which is light, airy, and just a little chewy, there are a few factors you must take into account. Here are a few useful pointers:

  • In a deep bowl, add your flour and salt  together (combine salt with flour first)
  • Add other dry ingredients and combine well (Nutmeg, Sugar…)
  • Add warm water to the dry mixture in bits to form a batter, the batter should not be runny and it shouldn’t be thick as well, find a balance between the two
  • Cover the bowl with a towel and place it in a warm place to proof, till the batter doubles in size usually between 40 and 45 mins. You can leave it longer if you want
  • Once the mixture has risen and doubled in size, you then move on to frying. For well-rounded puff pastry balls, use plenty of oil and a deep pan.

Although deep frying can be a little messy, the end product is worth it. You can eat it plain or sprinkle some sugar on top for a sweeter pleasure. 


  • Put some fresh water in a bowl
  • Shake off any excess water before dipping your hand into the batter and drawing it toward the bowl and yourself
  • Keep the batter between your palm and fingertips
  • Squeeze the batter between your palms and let it drop into the oil easily
  • Avoid crowding the oil.
  • Reduce the heat a bit at this point so that puff puff can fry through and be well done
  • Fry puff puff till golden brown on both sides.
  • Until the batter has run out, repeat the operation.

Use a scoop to drop the batter into the oil if using your hands is not your thing


Puff puff is a type of African Fried Dough. It is popular in Nigeria and other West African countries. Puff puff is made from flour, sugar, yeast, water, and oil. The dough is deep-fried in hot oil until it is golden brown. Puff puff can be eaten on its own or with a dipping sauce.

Puff puff is one of the favorite snacks that  Nigerians like and it is popular street food. I love it so much and have decided to make it every weekend.

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